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* Tips and tricks you won't find anywhere else * Answers to readers' top questions * Reminders to check your dog fence batteries
You've got questions about invisible dog fences?
I've got answers!
If you're struggling to find unbiased information about invisible dog fences, you're not alone.
When I was a pro installer, I spent a lot of my time simply answering questions. That's because, by the time they met me, customers were often confused. They'd scoured the Web and visited local pet stores looking for answers to their basic dog fence questions, but without much success. What they did find is that most of the information out there is provided by the very companies who are trying to sell you their products... Not exactly an unbiased source!
That's why I started To help people make educated decisions about which dog fence will work best for them — and, for that matter, decide whether a dog fence is even the best possible solution for their needs.
So, if you've got questions — anything from how dog fences work to how to install a DIY dog fence yourself — I invite you to browse my site's FAQs and Product Reviews. And if you have a question that this site doesn't answer, let me know — I may answer it in an upcoming newsletter!
Product Reviews
PetSafe Basic Fence
- Reasonably priced
- Built-in lightning protection
- Customizable to your pet's size and temperament

Read Review →
Innotek UltraSmart Fence
- Includes separate lightning protection unit
- Receiver battery is rechargeable
- Receiver lacks adequate customization

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PetSafe Wireless Fence
- No wire to install
- Portable so you can use it in multiple locations
- Protects an unlimited number of dogs with one transmitter

Read Review →
Tips and Tricks
How to create cancelled wire
Tools you need
- What brand of dog fence should I buy? Every company tells you to buy their brand because "it's the best." Well, I don't represent any particular brand, but I have installed just about every dog fence on the market. My experience can help you determine which brand you need.
- Do dog fences really work? The short answer to that question is "Yes," but let me tell you how and why.
- Are dog fences safe? Physically, dog fences are safe for almost any dog. Psychologically? Well, that depends.
- How much does it cost to have someone install a dog fence for me? Generally, less than a used car and more than a new PC. Use my cost estimator to narrow that range.
- How hard is it to install a DIY dog fence? Usually this question comes up immediately after someone learns how much a pro installer costs. My easy-to-read, step-by-step Installation Guide walks you through the entire installation process.